California Sportfishing Protection Alliance
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CSPA flies Motion to Intervene on McCloud


January 12, 2010 -- CSPA filed a motion January 12 to intervene in the relicensing of PG&E’s McCloud-Pit Project (P-2106). In its filing, CSPA emphasized the importance of protecting the McCloud River’s existing fishery and the need to reintroduce salmon and steelhead to the river.


The intervention states that measures to accommodate recreational interests must be “consistent with aquatic values.” CSPA sees very limited potential conflict between flow measures to protect and enhance the ecosystem and flows that provide high quality fishing in the McCloud’s widely acclaimed wild trout fishery. Consistency with aquatic values is also the standard applied in the intervention to whitewater boating.


The filing requests that the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission “facilitate future procedural measures to expedite reintroduction of salmon and steelhead into the McCloud River as soon as it is feasible.”


Motion to Intervene of the California Sportfishing Protection Alliance in the relicensing proceeding for the McCloud-Pit Project, P-2106-059.