California Sportfishing Protection Alliance
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CSPA sues Nelson Marine in Alameda for numerous pollution violations

January 14, 2009 -- CSPA filed a complaint against Nelson's Marine on January 11th in federal court for numerous violations of the storm water provisions of the federal Clean Water Act.  Nelson's Marine is a large full service boatyard at the now closed naval Air Station in Alameda California.  It is located on Seaplane Lagoon, a part of San Francisco Bay. 

The complaint alleges that Nelson's Marine:
1) failed to implement best available technology pollution controls,
2) failed to have an adequate Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan,
3) failed to implement an adequate monitoring and reporting program,
4) discharged contaminated stormwater (high concentrations of lead, copper, zinc, TSS, pH, etc.), and
5) falsely certified... (Continued) their compliance in their annual reports to the state. 

The complaint asks the court to declare Nelson's Marine to be in violation of the CWA and enjoin them from discharging polluted stormwater. It further requests that they prepare and implement effective pollution control measures, develop and adequate pollution prevention plan and monitoring program, and pay appropriate civil penalties for violations. An award is requested in favor of  CSPA to reimburse CSPA its costs of bringing suit.  Amicable settlement discussions are proceeding and we believe the case is likely to settle before trial.

CSPA Complaint vs. Nelson Marine