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From "Restore the Delta"

The Federal San Joaquin River Restoration Bill Needs Your Support Please sign the petition!

October 27, 2008 -- One component of Restoring the Delta is the restoration of the San Joaquin River. Restoring fresh water flows to the San Joaquin River will not only help re-establish an important salmon run to California, but it will also help improve water quality for urban and agricultural communities in the South Delta.

After years of work by several of our environmental partners, there is, unfortunately, opposition to the Congressional bill (S27) to support the restoration of the San Joaquin River. In particular, exchange water contractors from the Central Valley have been relentless in pressuring U.S. Representative Dennis Cardoza (D-Merced) and Senator Feinstein for concessions so that they (the water exchange contractors) can continue acquiring San Joaquin River water before it reaches the Delta. If a lame duck session of Congress were to be held between the election and the new year, it is possible that S27, the bill for funding restoration of the San Joaquin River, could be derailed.

We need to put a stop to the demands of the water exchange contractors.

Below you will find a letter from Restore the Delta to Congressman Cardoza and Senator Feinstein. We are asking each and every one of you to sign onto this letter.

To add your signature, you can simply send an email to Barbara@restorethedelta.org. In the subject line of the email write "add my name to the sign on letter," and in the body of the email write your full name.

We need to hear back from you by Thursday, October 30, 2008. We will send out the letters on Friday, October 31, 2008.

In addition, we are encouraging all our Restore the Delta supporters to call Congressman Cardoza and Senator Feinstein to express your support of S27 for restoration of the San Joaquin River.

Sincerely yours,

Barbara Barrigan-Parrilla

Senator Diane Feinstein Washington Office: 202-224-3841

U.S. Representative Dennis Cardoza

Washington Office: 202-225-6131

Merced Office: 209-383-4455

Stockton Office: 209-946-0361

San Joaquin River Restoration Letter
Dear Senator Feinstein and Congressman Cardoza:
We are members of Restore the Delta - a grassroots coalition of Delta residents, business leaders, civic organizations, community groups, faith-based communities, union locals, farmers, fishermen, and environmentalists - and we seek to strengthen the health of the estuary and the well-being of Delta communities. We are writing to urge you to make the passage of S27, the San Joaquin River Restoration Settlement Act, a top priority in any lame duck session of Congress. We understand that a new PayGo neutral version of the original settlement legislation has been developed, and we strongly support its passage.

The de-watering of the San Joaquin River was one of the greatest tragedies ever to befall the Delta. The restoration of flows and salmon to the San Joaquin River offers the prospect of restored fisheries, cleaner water, and economic benefits for our agricultural and urban communities. In addition, a successful San Joaquin River restoration settlement offers hope for resolving some of the difficult water issues facing the Delta. The passage of S27 and the restoration of the San Joaquin River would represent a remarkable achievement and a victory for the Delta.

We thank Senator Feinstein for her role as the sponsor of S27. Please let Restore the Delta know if there is anything we can do to assist in your efforts to pass this critical piece of legislation.


Barbara Barrigan-Parrilla

Campaign Director

Restore the Delta