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CSPA Comments on Study Plan for Merced Falls Relicensing


by Chris Shutes, CSPA FERC Projects Director

November 4, 2009 -- CSPA and six other conservation groups have filed comments on PG&E’s proposed study plan for the Merced Falls relicensing. PG&E’s Merced Falls Project (FERC 2467) is  a tiny project located on the Merced River just downstream of the much larger Merced River Hydroelectric Project (FERC 2179) owned by Merced Irrigation District. Merced ID’s project includes New Exchequer Reservoir.
Both projects are being relicensed by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission over the next five years. FERC has decided to prepare a joint environmental document for relicensing both projects. CSPA and its conservation partners ask that the study plans for the Merced River Project and the Merced Falls Project be consistent and coordinated.
Conservation Groups and resource agencies proposed studies for the Merced River Project relicensing that would examine project effects on salmon and steelhead downstream of the project. We also proposed studies that would inform how salmon and steelhead might be moved upstream of New Exchequer Reservoir. Merced ID opposed this approach. Merced ID wants to limit studies to the project reservoirs and to only three miles of river upstream between Merced Falls and Merced ID’s agricultural diversion at Crocker-Huffman Dam. Since Merced ID believes that no fish ascend Crocker-huffman Dam, Merced ID proposes no relicensing studies of salmon and steelhead. PG&E has fallen in line with Merced ID’s approach.
Up till now, FERC has agreed with Merced ID. However, the State Water Resources Control Board, National Marine Fisheries Service and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Source have formally disputed FERC’s Study Plan Determination for the Merced River Project. A formal dispute resolution process will begin on November 17. Conservation Groups plan to participate in the dispute process to the degree that the process allows.
In the meantime, the comments on Merced Falls maintain a consistent message to FERC and the licensees.


CSPA Comments