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DFG starts new on-line Question and Answer section on their website

November 9, 2008 -- Called California Outdoors Q&A, http://www.dfg.ca.gov
the new weekly column is looking for input in the form of questions from California anglers and hunters.

Interested sportsmen can send a query to DFG by writing CalOutdoors
. According to the site, individuals may submit questions on California's many fish and wildlife species, hunting and fishing methods, regulations and opportunities, and California's natural resource conservation. 

The columnist answering your questions is Carrie Wilson, a 20-year DFG veteran and an avid outdoor enthusiast, angler and hunter. She is a marine biologist with an ample background of professional experience working in both fisheries and wildlife management. An established award-winning outdoor writer, Carrie enjoys tackling the tough questions from the public and will be regularly tapping into the expertise of the DFG’s game wardens and many fisheries, wildlife and marine biologists to best cover all the topics.