California Sportfishing Protection Alliance
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DFG adds more clarity to the stocking issue, 80% of previous waters will still be stocked: Many private stocking programs to continue

For further info on the lawsuit read Chris Shutes' "The Truth about the "Stocking" law suit and what you can do: A Q&A Information Guide from CSPA"

December 13, 2008 -- Despite the lawsuit, the Department of Fish and Game (DFG) plans to stock at least 771 bodies of water with more than seven million fish this next year! According to Staff Fisheries Biologist Jim Starr, the current suspension in the stocking of hatchery-reared fish in other waters is a court ordered interim measure that will result in DFG not stocking approximately 20 percent (roughly 180 bodies of water) of the waters normally scheduled for stocking in 2009. At DFG, we are aware of the effect this will have on the communities that have come to depend on our fish stocking programs and we don't want to minimize that effect. DFG is working to identify waters that are currently on the non-stocking list that may qualify to be stocked after further evaluation and consultation with the plaintiffs in the lawsuit.

An important point to remember is that just because DFG will not be stocking hatchery-reared fish in a given body of water (which in most cases is someone's favorite fishing hole), there will still be fish in those waters waiting to latch onto an angler's lure or fly. Local governments, concessionaires and water body managers that have or may have had a Private Stocking Permit since 2005 to stock these lakes can continue to do so, it's just that DFG is court ordered not to plant any of our hatchery reared fish in that same body of water, if it is deemed a non-stock water. And, as always, the time shared with family and friends enjoying the outdoors will still be there … not to mention all of the tall tales that will be told about the big one that got away!