California Sportfishing Protection Alliance
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CSPA and dozens of groups file comments on  proposed revision of California's Antidegradation Implementation Guidelines

12-18-08 -- CSPA joined 24 other conservation and fishing organizations to file comments on the state's proposed Antidegradation Implementation Guidelines. In a letter sent to Jeanine Thompson, Clerk of the Board, State Water Resources Control Board on December 17, the groups stated they found the proposed guidelines flawed in numerous ways including implementation, lack of enforcement, and concept.

In addition to those deficiencies, the letter asks the state to specifically review the areas of groundwater antidegradation policy, cost/benefit analysis, water recycling programs and consideration of other states antidegradation policies.

The complete letter: Revision of the State's Antidegradation Implementation Guidelines

Letter of 7-17-07 From same environmental groups to the SWRCB