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CSPA SealCSPA serves notice of intent to sue Lake County landfill

February 13, 2009 -- CSPA has delivered a notice of intent to sue the Lake County Eastlake Sanitary Landfill for numerous violations of the federal Clean Water Act and the state’s General Industrial Stormwater Permit. The facility is located in Clearlake California and discharges to Molesworth Creek, thence Clear Lake and to an unnamed tributary of Cache Creek, thence to the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta.

The 80-acre landfill has violated both substantive and procedural permit requirements including: 1) discharge of pollutants exceeding standards for pH, total suspended solids, specific conductance, iron, magnesium and nitrate; 2) failure to implement an adequate monitoring and reporting plan (both frequency and required parameters); 3) failure to implement BAT/BCT (best available technology economically achievable and best conventional pollutant control technology), 4) failure to implement an adequate Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan; 5) failure to address discharges contributing to exceedances of water quality standards, and 6) failure to file timely, true and correct reports.

The facility has ignored repeated admonishments, orders and notices of violations by Regional Water Board staff following site inspections.  The Regional Board has failed to pursue effective enforcement on this site; consequently, CSPA is initiating an enforcement action, pursuant to the citizen-suit provisions of the Clean Water Act.  CSPA has offered to meet with the discharger to seek remedies in the absence of litigation but intends to file a complaint at the end of the 60-day notice period.

CSPA Notice of Intent