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CSPA's Mike McKenzie reports on the January 28th of the Bay Delta Sportfishing Enhancement Stamp Fund meeting

February 2, 2009 -- The first item of business at the meeting, held on January  28th at the Yolo Bypass Wildlife Center was a request by DFG for funding of coded wire tagging of Feather River Hatchery smolts. This is to determine how effective the "enhancement" fish program is and also how many of the smolts make it through the Delta and what parts of the ocean they use. The committee approved the $49.000.00 funding request.

Next the Committee was informed that the director took $250,000.00 for warden overtime pay from the Stamp Fund. The overtime will be used exclusively for the protection of the Bay-Delta and tributary Creeks and Rivers fisheries. There was some discussion about the Director taking the money without consulting with the Committee, also that it has the effect of using Stamp monies to subsidize the State Legislature's willingness to leave the DFG continuously underfunded, especially the Enforcement Wardens.

Projects approved for funding in 2008 were discussed, one of which was the Black Bass Tournament Release Boat for $55,000. While approved, the boat has not been purchased. Other items on the list are still waiting for approval for funding...(Continued)

The Stamp Fund audit findings and recommendations were discussed which lead into a discussion of the Committee's proposed projects list as well as the Department's list. It was interesting that both parties lists had several very similar or same projects listed. All agreed the DFG would combine and "prioritize" the list and that the items that existed on both lists would be the higher priority.

The meeting closed with a talk by Dave Ostrach, a U.C. Davis researcher who is doing striped bass work, about a proposal from him to continue his effort. The continuation of his work was on both the DFG and Committee project lists.

The next meeting of the Committee is scheduled for March 4th at 9:00 AM at the Yolo Bypass Wildlife Center.

Committee Proposal List

DFG Proposal List