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CALFED-DFG Ecosystem Restoration Program Contract Amendments Workshop to be held on February 19

February 5, 2009 -- CALFED and DFG announced the next scheduled Ecosystem workshop to take place February 19, from 1:00 to 4:00pm, at 650 Capitol Mall, 5th floor, Bay Conference Room. Topics at the workshop include the Llano Seco Fish Screen Facility, Hydroclimatic Reconstruction and Ancient Blue Oak Mapping Over the Drainage Basin of San Francisco Bay, Central Valley Steelhead Comprehensive Monitoring Plan, Restoration of the Confluence Area of the Sacramento River, Big Chico and Mud Creeks, Pacific Flyway Center Initial Planning Project, Population Biology, Life History, Distribution & Environmental Optima of Green Sturgeon, Monitoring Responses of the Delta Smelt Population to the Multiple Restoration Actions in the San Francisco Estuary, Lower Clear Creek Floodway Rehabilitation Project (Phase 3B) and Riparian Sanctuary (Phase II) Design, Development & Environmental Compliance of Sacramento River Mile 178 Riparian Restoration.

Participants at the workshop will include, Ducks Unlimited, University of Arkansas, Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission, The Nature Conservancy, the Yolo Basin Foundation, University of California, Davis, the Western Shasta Resource Conservation District and River Partners.

The Workshop Notice