California Sportfishing Protection Alliance
“Conserving California’s Fisheries"


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A post from Marty Gingras, DFG Biologist

The 'Triennial Sport Fishing Regulations' Cycle

The following is a post Marty originally made on the FishSniffer BB

March 21, 2009 -- Every three years the California Fish and Game Commission considers proposals to change the sport fishing regulations. This is the 'Triennial Sport Fishing Regulations' cycle. The last cycle ended in December 2006 and resulted in the current set of regulations (+/- any emergency or special regulations). The next cycle is upon us.

The process of considering and then setting regulations is very public, takes many months, and includes many Commission meetings. If you are interested in proposing a regulation change or just knowing what's going on, the Fish and Game Commission web site has everything you need. Here is the link to the material from the 2006 cycle:


I am the Department's sturgeon and striped bass guy, so am happy to hear your ideas and concerns. I'll be happy to help you propose your own ideas. I've got some ideas too, and will post here for discussion on-topic.


Marty Gingras
Supervising Biologist (Fisheries)
California Department of Fish and Game
Bay Delta Region
4001 North Wilson Way
Stockton, California 95205

Phone (209) 948-3702
FAX (209) 946-6355
email mgingras@dfg.ca.gov