California Sportfishing Protection Alliance
“Conserving California’s Fisheries"


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a thank you to Mission Peak, Stockton CSBA and Shasta Trinity FFers

More club donations give CSPA more muscle: And here's why it's needed

March 30, 2009 -- CSPA benefitted from the generosity of three clubs last week and will use that money to continue the effort to restore California's imperiled fisheries. This year the need for angler support is more necessary than at any time in California's history.

This is the second year that our salmon fisheries are closed to fishing, large areas of our coastal waters are closed to fishing, our Wild and Heritage Trout Program is broke and actually begging for private funds to continue, over 180 bodies of water will not be stocked with trout because DFG did not prepare a required EIR, a group of water districts are suing DFG to remove game fishing regulations on the striped bass, another group has sponsored legislation to accomplish the same, still yet, some of these same groups have sued DFG over the fact that the endangered delta smelt is preventing them from draining the delta dry, Professor David Ostrach reports that 95% of our striper larva are dying within 48 hours of emerging from the egg and the Pelagic Organism Decline study reports the lowest number of fish in our bay delta system that has ever been recorded.

Yes, the issues are overwhelming but CSPA is involved in all of those issues and in fact, many more. We can only be there because of the continued and ever increasing support of our membership. We're not giving up and we ask you not to give up on us.

CSPA would like to thank the Mission Peak Fly Fishers for $500 in club donations and another $250 in individual membership donations, the Stockton Chapter of the California Striped Bass Association for a donation of $500 to be used towards the striper trial and the Shasta Trinity Fly Fishers for a second $500 donation made in addition a $500 donation made in January of this year.

Help to keep us in the fight. We need the support of every fishing club and every angler in the state. If you are not already a member, please NOW is the time to send in your membership.