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Is trading endangered salmon and steelhead for grapes a good deal?

CSPA objects to fish kill on Russian, seeks to remedy problem

March 31, 2009 -- Salmon and steelhead juveniles in the Russian River system were stranded and killed last spring when large amounts of water were diverted by vineyards for frost control.

The National Marine Fisheries Service has raised this issue with the State Water Resources Control Board, and the Board has called a workshop for April 7 to address the problem. On March 30, CSPA submitted comments to the Board, calling on the Board to eliminate direct diversion from North Coast streams and rivers for frost control purposes.

The Board needs to complete and institute its North Coast Instream Flow Policy, re-open D-1610 and adjudicate flows in the Russian River, and do those aspects of its job that these would address: account for water used, monitor and report diversions real-time, enforce the law against unauthorized diversion, develop a model of regional hydrology.

Until then, direct diversion for frost control puts fish in immediate jeopardy. That doesn't fly any more than stranded fish can.

CSPA comments to State Water Resources Control Board regarding Russian River