California Sportfishing Protection Alliance
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CSPA protests ill defined pumping of San Francisquito Creek by Cal Water

March 8, 2009 CSPA has protested a Petition for Extension of Time filed by California Water Company for a water rights permit on Bear Gulch, San Francisquito Creek watershed, San Mateo County.

 Cal Water asks for more time to put its permitted right to use after having failed to use the permit in over fifty years. Cal Water also did not file needed information with its petition.

 Cal Water is in the process of installing a fish screen on one of its diversion facilities, and proposes to install a fish screen and fish ladder on a second diversion. Cal Water also proposes to change its pattern of diversion, to allow water to stay in affected creeks longer, in order to benefit steelhead. CSPA believes this is commendable, and applauds the company, the National Marine Fisheries Service and the Department of Fish and Game for having worked out an arrangement to provide passage and habitat for steelhead.

However, this arrangement is not adequately described and explained in company's petition. CSPA, in its protest, asks the State Water Resources Control Board to require Cal Water to clearly describe its proposed course of action in a revised petition, and to make clear to the Board and to the public just how much water Cal Water is proposing to divert.

CSPA Protest

Cal Water letter to the State Water Resources Control Board