California Sportfishing Protection Alliance
“Conserving California’s Fisheries


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How the W,P&W Committee members voted on AB 1806 and 2502, or "Who loves ya baby!"

By Jerry Neuburger, April 17, 2008
The committee votes on AB 1806 and 2502 have been posted. Here are the results. First, AB 1806, the assembly bill dealing with mitigation for the Prospect Island fish kill and mitigation for the salmon smolts killed annually by the infamous pumps.

Wolk D 8th, Caballero D 28th, Eng D 49th, Furutani D 55th, Huffman D 6th, Lieu D 53rd, Mullin D 19th, Salas D 79th.

Maze R 34th, Anderson R 77th, Berryhill R 25th, La Malfa R 2nd, Parra D 30th

The second bill, AB 2502 dealt with the acquiring and establishment of the Prospect Island area as a delta ecological restoration area.

Wolk D 8th, Caballero D 28th, Eng D 49th, Furutani D 55th, Huffman D 6th, Lieu D 53rd, Mullin D 19th,Parra D 30th, Salas D 79th.

Maze R 34th, Anderson R 77th,, La Malfa R 2nd

Berryhill R 25th

If you see your representative listed, and agree with his vote, you might consider sending him/her a thank you. If, on the other hand, your representative did not represent your interests then it should be imperative of you to tell him/her of how much you disapprove of their position on these crucial issues for California fisheries.

  If you don’t know who your assemblyman is, go to the Bill Tracker page in the CSPA website and enter your address and zip code in the search engine link. You will receive a report back with the name and address of your assemblyman and state senator. CSPA’s website can be found at www.calsport.org.

  CSPA will keep you posted on these two important bills as they make their way through the legislature.