California Sportfishing Protection Alliance
“Conserving California’s Fisheries


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One man's take on the Coleman hatchery salmon kill

by John Ryzanych, 

May 26, 2008. Yes, there was a loss of the Coleman (Federal) Hatchery fish on Monday. The actual number is more like 75% or 135K fish from one of the two trucks. Initial investigation indicates an O2 issue either at loading or on the road. This affected the ability of the fish to survive the truck ride. This looks to be an isolated incident as the same truck was used to deliver Coleman fish today [Tuesday, May 20th] with no casualties. 
There are another 9 loads scheduled to deliver through next week. Keep in mind that this process is not the best. Exposing these fish to mechanical system carries with it the inherent risk of mechanical failure and human error. However, it is being managed better today then ever before!
It is sad to think that the natural system is so screwed up such intervention may provide the best chance of salmon smolt survival.
Never thought I would see such an important fishery in peril within my life.......