California Sportfishing Protection Alliance
“Conserving California’s Fisheries


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"The letter writing is not over. Review how your assembly member voted. If they voted against passage of AB 1806, tell them of your concern and remind them that the primaries are on Tuesday, June 3rd and that the health of the delta is a primary issue in considering your vote. If your assembly member voted "aye", send off a letter of appreciation."
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AB 1806 clears assembly, 43-36 on what turns out to be a party vote

by Jerry Neuburger
May 29, 2008. Sacramento. CSPA's Conservation Director, John Beuttler, received word late Wednesday afternoon from Assemblywoman Wolk's office that AB 1806, a delta restoration bill, had passed the full assembly vote. The bill will now move to the state senate for further review and, hopefully a positive vote sometime in the near future.

Looking at the ballot results, it's apparent that the bill became a party issue with only Democrats voting "aye". The "noes" included all Republican assembly members along with four Democrats whose districts are in the south Central Valley.

The "aye" votes 

Bass (D), Beall (D), Berg (D),  Brownley (D), Caballero (D), Calderon (D), Coto (D), Davis (D), De La Torre (D), De Leon (D), DeSaulnier(D), Dymally (D), Eng (D),Evans (D), Feuer (D), Fuentes (D), Furutani (D), Hancock (D), Hayashi (D), Hernandez (D), Huffman (D), Jones  (D), Karnette (D),  Krekorian (D), Laird (D), Leno (D), Levine (D), Lieber (D), Lieu (D), Ma (D), Mendoza (D), Mullin (D), Nava (D), Nunez (D), Portantino  (D), Price (D), Ruskin (D), Salas (D), Saldana (D), Solorio (D), Swanson (D), Torrico (D), Wolk (D)

The "no" votes

Adams (R), Aghazarian (R), Anderson (R), Arambula (D), Benoit (R), Berryhill (R), Blakeslee (R), Carter (D), Cook (R), DeVore (R), Duvall (R), Emmerson (R), Fuller (R), Gaines (R), Galgiani (D), Garcia (R), Garrick (R), Horton (R), Houston (R), Huff (R), Jeffries (R), Keene (R), La Malfa (R), Maze (R), Nakanishi (R), Niello (R), Parra (D), Plescia (R), Runner (R), Silva (R), Smyth (R), Spitzer (R), Strickland (R), Tran (R), Villines (R), Walters (R),

CSPA will strongly support the bill as it moves through the legislative process and has worked with Assemblywoman Wolk, the author of the bill, to move it forward. Just prior to the vote, CSPA's John Beuttler wrote a letter to each of the assembly members asking for their vote. In addition a call for letters of support was sent out to fishermen and environmentalists with a stake in the delta's survival. Those letters are important in letting the legislators know that people are watching.


 A delta sunset, photo by Bill Ward

CSPA would like to thank all those who made an effort to ensure the bill's passage in the assembly and, at the same time, asks them to continue their efforts when the bill moves through the Senate.

Looking at the vote, it's apparent that work needs to be done to remove the health of the delta from party politics. That will take the efforts of all that want a functioning delta with healthy fisheries. The letter writing is not over. Review how your assembly member voted. If they voted against passage of AB 1806, tell them of your concern and remind them that the primaries are on Tuesday, June 3rd and that the health of the delta is a primary issue in considering your vote. If your assembly member voted "aye", send off a letter of appreciation.

Let them know that you want the delta removed from the theater of party politics and moved to an issue that is important for California and ALL Californians, regardless of their party, Democrat or Republican, or where they live, north or south.