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from the Huffington  Post


Schwarzenegger Would Close 220 State Parks To Cut Deficit


If the governor really wanted to balance the budget how about collecting the half billion dollars Westlands owes for the State Water Project, setting the minimum rate for SWP water at $100 per acre foot and charging an oil and natural gas extraction fee as other states do? Projected annual revenues, in excess of TWO BILLION DOLLARS.

Instead of collecting from his cronies, he's sticking it to California's already overburdened taxpayers and taking away some of the least expensive recreation opportunities. Ed.


The fallen Dyerville giant in Humboldt Redwoods State Park, one of the parks that would be closed under the governor's plan. Photo courtesy of Maria & Jonathan Hey


May 29, 2009, SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's budget cuts could mean the closing of up to 220 state parks, among them the home of the world's tallest tree and other attractions that draw millions of visitors. Schwarzenegger this week recommended eliminating $70 million in parks spending through June 30, 2010. An additional $143.4 million would be saved in the following fiscal year by keeping the parks closed...(Continued on-line at the Huffington Post)