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Tribal cultural activities abound all weekend at SalmonAid 2009


The traditional method of cooking and drying salmon. Photo courtesy of the Karuk Tribe
June 17, 2009 -- Although Klamath salmon runs are dwindling, tribal fishermen still harvest salmon for ceremonial and commercial use. By joining forces with commercial fishermen, conservation groups, and others concerned about native salmon stocks, Tribal members are building support for the removal of the lower four Klamath River dams. Members of Klamath Basin Tribes will be an integral part of the 2009 SalmonAid Festival, hosting a traditional salmon bake on the eve of the festival as well as demonstrating cultural activities throughout the SalmonAid weekend. 
The SalmonAid Festival will continue Saturday and Sunday, June 20th and 21st at Oakland's Jack London Square.


WHAT: Members of the Karuk, Yurok, and Hoopa Tribes travel to San Francisco to host a traditional salmon bake on the eve of the 2009 Salmon Aid Festival. Tribal members will share fire-roasted Klamath Spring salmon with the public.
WHERE:  Ocean Beach, San Francisco. Look for the fire pit one block south of the intersection of Fulton Street and the Great Highway. 
WHEN:  Friday, June 19th. Fire starts at 4:30 p.m.; fish will be ready to serve around 6:30 p.m.
WHO: Participants include fishermen, cooks, singers, and drummers from the Karuk, Yurok, and Hoopa Tribes.  Tribal members are traveling from the remote Klamath River, and invite Native community members from throughout the Bay Area, as well as the general public, to come down and share fish.
Interview Opportunities: Karuk Tribe Cultural Biologist Ron Reed, Yurok Organizer Georgiana Myers plus members of the Karuk, Yurok, and Hoopa Tribes; representatives from the commercial salmon fishing industry; others affected by the salmon crisis.
Photo Opportunities: Traditional ceremonial salmon bake, in which salmon will be roasted on skewers in the sand around an open pit fire.


Jessie Raeder, SalmonAid Press Liaison: 323-823-5377
Malena Marvin, Outreach & Science Director Klamath-Riverkeeper: (541) 821-7260
Mike Hudson, Commercial Fisherman and SalmonAid Executive Director: (510) 407-2000