California Sportfishing Protection Alliance
“Conserving California’s Fisheries


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CSPA manned a booth at the SalmonAid Festival, May 31 and June 1st. The event was organized by West Coast fishermen, tribes, restaurateurs and conservationists in Oakland’s Jack London Square to celebrate wild Pacific salmon.

Here's some photos from the Sunday portion of the event.


John and Chris manning the CSPA booth
One of the two stages set up for musicians and other entertainment
 The weather was perfect for strolling...And there was lots of information on the plight of California's wild salmon.
Many of the booths had salmon related things for sale like shirts and hatsThe American Fishing Foundation booth
More booths...Event Central
A "walking" salmonTrout Unlimited's booth
The NCCFFF boothJohn, Chris and Mike, ready to serve...
Chris and Mike "advocating"A meeting of CSPA minds!
Some CSPA members are well fedA salmon mermaid