California Sportfishing Protection Alliance
“Conserving California’s Fisheries


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Funds needed to defend Striped Bass in coming litigation

June 1, 2008. The question of whether the Striped Bass has a right to exist in the Delta will be decided in Fresno Federal Court, beginning July 14th. On that date, Judge Wanger will hear arguments from the Coalition for a Sustainable Delta against DFG and the Fish and Game Commission. The Coalition is largely comprised of Kern County water agencies and alleges that the Striped Bass is a predatory species that is the chief reason for the decline of numerous delta species including the endangered delta smelt and the Chinook Salmon.

CSPA has filed as an intervener in the case, and will defend DFG and the fish against the claims of the Coalition. It's feared that the Coalition will attempt to drag out the case in an attempt to bankrupt CSPA's funds and interrupt its ability to advocate for the delta and fish.

To counter this attempt, CSPA needs your donations NOW. Please print out the membership form and give what you can afford. Even quicker, use the link to donate via Pay Pal.