California Sportfishing Protection Alliance
“Conserving California’s Fisheries


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FERC Leaves Door Open to CSPA Rehearing Request

By Chris Shutes, FERC Projects Director.
June 3, 2008. CSPA and several other angling and conservation groups made a request on May 5th of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for rehearing of its April 3 order regarding the Tuolumne River. This order mandated status quo flows on the lower Tuolumne until 2015.

Today, FERC made a procedural move to give it more time to consider the situation. We hope they do a lot of considering, and in a hurry, since the 200 salmon that returned to the Tuolumne in 2007 are indicative of a population that may not be around for long. Those flows on the Tuolumne are not helping!

It certainly did not hurt that the federal resource agencies, National Marine Fisheries Service and Fish and Wildlife Service, made strong filings of their own in this matter.