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Assemblymember Jared Huffman replies to editorial on YubaNet.Com


Thank you Assemblyman Huffman for your statement on your position. As chair of the Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee, it reassuring to see that you are committed to the health of the delta and its restoration. Ed.


17 Jul 2009 -- Mr. Gray - please check your facts sir. I am not an "advocate for" the Peripheral Canal, much less the legislature's "most ardent" PC advocate. What I do advocate is a comprehensive, science-based look at the dying Delta so that we can revive it as a healthy estuary (which seems to be your goal too). That includes the failed system of massive "through-Delta" pumping and exports. It may or may not lead to some kind of PC - I won't pre-determine that. But it must include restoring a more natural flow regime and reducing reliance on exported water from the Delta.