California Sportfishing Protection Alliance
“Conserving California’s Fisheries"


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The Million Boat Float to the capitol, August 16, 17


By Bruce Connelley

July 21, 2009 -- The Fox is guarding the hen house! Do any one of you care what happens to the California Delta Estuary? Our Governor has given marching orders to his appointees to lay out a plan to destroy the California Delta in order to extract more water out of a system that is already over tapped, to feed desert lands in the central valley for farming, and pump more water to southern California. Don’t get me wrong, I have the utmost respect for our governor, but he is at the least extremely misguided on the direction to take in regards to the state water woes. I am not talking about the current drought. I am talking about the decade’s long challenge this state has faced over water supply and how we go about creating more water for our ever increasing population...(Continued in PDF format)


Million Boat Float Flyer


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