California Sportfishing Protection Alliance
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CSPA sends letters of support to DOI, NOAA and NMFS in Salmon BiOp implementation


July 25, 2009 -- CSPA's Executive Director, Bill Jennings sent letters to the heads of the Department of the Interior, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the National Marine Fisheries Service encouraging them to "hold the course" in their implementation of the recent salmom BiOp.


The agencies have come under fire from some politicians, including the governor, calling for a relaxing of the restrictions on exporting delta water during California's third year of drought. It is believed much of their motivation is due to a misinformation campaign conducted by the west San Joaquin Valley water districts.


The letters commend the agencies for their work to date, point out the facts in the "water vs. fish" misinformation campaign, outline some of the real losses to the commercial and recreational fishing industries and finally, ask that the agencies continue to, "hold the course" in their efforts to restore California's salmon and steelhead fisheries.


Letters were sent to Secretary Ken Salazar and Undersecretary David Hayes, Department of the Interior; Dr. Jane Lubchenco, Administrator and Undersecretary of Commerce, and Monica Medina, Special Assistant, NOAA; and Rowan Gould, Acting Director and Rod McInnis, Regional Administrator, NMFS.


Sample letter to Dr. Jane Lubchenco