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Pacific Institute releases report: California agriculture can flourish despite diminishing water supply


Of course the entire modernization process could be speeded up if the water subsidies to certain "chosen" big ag users, dried up and they had to pay the market price for water as many in the north state do! Ed.


By Jerry Neuburger

July 28, 2009 -- The Pacific Institute, an organization that prides itself in finding solutions workable for all stakeholders in a problem has released a major report dealing with California agriculture and water. The analysis estimates that potential water savings of 4.5 - 6 million acre-feet each year can be achieved by expanding the use of efficient irrigation technologies and management practices. That amount is equal to or greater than the amount of water pumped south from the delta annually. The report, including an 11 page executive summary, can be found at the Institute's website, Pacific Institute: Sustaining California Agriculture.