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from Restore the Delta


Let Your Voices Be Heard - Rally For The Delta: July 7, 2009

Restore the Delta is asking you to take special action on behalf of protecting the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta.

July 3, 2009 -- Restore the Delta is co-sponsoring, along with numerous environmental, commercial fishing, and sport fishing groups, a press conference and rally for the Delta, on July 7, 2009 at 11 a.m. The rally will be held on the North Steps of the Capitol.

Speakers will include Senator Lois Wolk, who has been advocating for Delta communities and sound Delta restoration policies throughout this legislative session.

We want to make it clear to the Assembly and Senate that it is time to give the Delta a voice on water issues. And that we are tired of the decisions being made without our consent and involvement.

It is even more important that the Delta communities turn out for this event in light of the unending legislative chaos in Sacramento. The joint Senate and Assembly hearing on the Delta bill package has been cancelled until current budget discussions have been resolved. However, at that point, they will have missed their own deadlines for public committee hearings, and legislative bills could enter the conference process. While we have been told that future deliberations will include a public legislative process, there is a possibility that any public meetings going forward could be called within an hour's notice and that actual votes could happen in the middle of the night --not a process for the creation of effective public policy or good governance.

Click here for a link for a google map of the Capitol and driving directions.