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CSPA issues Action Alert in support of NOAA and NMFS


July 31, 2009 -- In a move to counter the misinformation campaign and pressure being put on federal agencies and congress to interrupt the implementation of the recent NMFS Salmon BiOp, CSPA's John Beuttler, Director of Conservation, issued an Action Alert calling for letters to Congress and to Undersecretary Hayes, Department of the Interior and Dr. Jane Lubchenco, Administrator for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.


The BiOp, in part, calls for a small amount of water, previously available for delivery to agricultural interests to be held back for the health of the delta and to assist salmon in their migrations from and to the ocean.


While the amount of water held back, (5%) is minor, industrial agribusinesses such as in the Westlands Water District have spun the attempt at the fisheries restoration as a, "people vs. fish" issue with claims that 30.000 to 50,000 jobs will be lost because the the water is not available.


Behind the scenes, both congress members and the federal agencies have admitted that the pressure being put on by these water districts is having an effect. While they are aware that much of the press being put out by these groups is pure propaganda, they are looking for support from citizens and other advocacy groups that will assure them that the right course is to continue with the recommendations of the BiOp without delay.


CSPA has taken a lead in fostering this support with several articles on the website, and letters asking for support of the BiOp to the California congressional delegation. John Beuttler's call for private citizen's letters is a further extension of this effort.


If you want salmon to swim again in California's rivers, do your part. Help yourself, your children and your grandchildren by sending three E-mail letters to Senators Feinstein, Boxer and your Congressman and two snail mail letters, one to Undersecretary Hayes, DOI and one to Dr. Jane Lubchenco, NOAA.


You can find the Action Alert with addresses and sample letters on CSPA's website here.