California Sportfishing Protection Alliance
“Conserving California’s Fisheries"


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A call from Bill Jennings


Alert! The Delta and its fisheries need you!

August 10, 2009 -- The coming week is packed with a number of important events in the continuing struggle to save fisheries and our Delta.  CSPA is urging all who care about the estuary and its fisheries and water quality to step up to the plate. 

It is crucially important that we turn out a respectable number of people for the David Hayes/Lester Snow dog & pony show in Sacramento at the Capitol Plaza Holiday Inn (300 “J” Street) at 1:00 p.m. Wednesday, 12 August 2009.  As the point person for Secretary of the Interior Salazar, Hayes needs to understand there is considerable grassroots opposition to the “peripheral canal” legislation presently being railroaded through the legislature.

A counter protest by fishermen is scheduled to take place outside Congressman George Miller's Concord Office (1333 Willow Pass Road) on 13 August at 9 a.m.  Groups calling for suspension of the Endangered Species Act and advocating increased water exports and a peripheral are busing protestors from the south San Joaquin Valley to demonstrate against Miller and the fishing community will be there to express support for Congressman Miller.

The Million Boat Float to Sacramento is scheduled for Sunday 16 August.  National press, including 60 Minutes, is scheduled to accompany the flotilla as it travels up the Sacramento River to the Capitol. 

Restore the Delta and the Million Boat Float, along with CSPA, are co-sponsoring a rally on the Capitol steps the next day (Monday, 17 August).

The legislative conference committee begins hearings on the package of five water bills (the road map to the “final solution,” i.e., the peripheral canal) on Tuesday, 18 August.  It is imperative that we have a decent turn out of fishermen, Delta farmers and environmentalists at the hearing.

Stay tuned to CSPA's website for frequent updates and more detailed information.