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Restore the Delta is asking you to take special action on behalf of protecting the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta


August 10, 2009 -- Deptuty Interior Secretary David Hayes and DWR Director Lester Snow will hold a public meeting on California's Water Challenges and Delta related issues this Wednesday, August 12 from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Capitol Plaza Holiday Inn in Downtown Sacramento. The address is 300 J Street.

At the end of June, San Joaquin Valley agribusiness interests got U.S. Interior Secretary Ken Salazar to Fresno to hear them talk about the "regulatory drought" and "fish versus people." This week, Northern California has a chance to tell Salazar's deputy David J. Hayes its side of the water story. Restore the Delta believes that this is one of the two most important meetings that our supporters can attend on behalf of the Delta this year.

As of today, (8/10), no other information on the agenda or speakers is available from DWR. However, we can all imagine what Lester Snow's preferred agenda would include. In Fresno, Salazar said he wanted to work with the State of California in addressing Central Valley water issues. We need a good showing of people who can make it clear that DWR's decision- making is too influenced by politics and questionable science to be reliable.