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Environmental Water Caucus report recommends conservation rather than Dams: CSPA one of the organizations endorsing


 August 10, 2009 -- The report recommends aggressive state-wide water conservation targets that will provide adequate water for all future Californians and preclude the need for major new surface storage projects. Water conservation is much more cost effective then surface storage, and will also preempt the need for major new bond money to build dams and associated infrastructure.


The report reinforces the need to reduce exports from the Delta in order to protect this unique resource and its fishes. It expresses strong concerns about the potential for a Peripheral Canal around the Delta with a higher export capacity than the harmful levels of even the last few years. It also recommends significant improvements to our valuable river habitats, elimination of water supplies to irrigate impaired farmlands, improvements in water quality, regional self-sufficiency, and funding for environmental agencies.


The report puts together primarily existing data in a way that makes the clear case that California has already developed an adequate water supply to carry us into the future and that we need to use those existing supplies more efficiently, cost effectively, and sustainably.


Executive Summary: http://ewccalifornia.org/reports/execsummary8-7-09.pdf


Full Report: http://ewccalifornia.org/reports/cawatersolutions8-7-09.pdf