California Sportfishing Protection Alliance
“Conserving California’s Fisheries"


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Coalition for Water sends petition representing 180,000 Californians to Feinstein and Schwarzenegger opposing bond/ peripheral canal

August 12, 2008. -- The Environmental Justice Coalition for Water, disturbed by the announcement from Senator Feinstein that she and Governor Schwarzenegger had joined forces to  drive for a water bond of over nine billion dollars, began a furious petition drive on August 4th. Their goal was to raise 1,000 signatures opposing the bond by Friday, August 7th. They met their mark and then some!

The huge bond is Schwarzenegger's answer to California's water problems, and includes the possibility of four new dams and a delta isolating peripheral canal. The canal especially is opposed by numerous interests, including fishery advocates, environmentalists and delta farmers.

Thirty-eight organizations signed the petition representing 180,000 Californians. The California Sportfishing Alliance was one of the first with their endorsement. In addition to the organizations, over 200 individuals signed the document, many of the names recognizable in the NGO community.

The petition will be mailed simultaneously to both Feinstein and Schwarzenegger, today, August 12..

(Read the petition including the 10 principles for a comprehensive water policy)