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CSPA and other fisheries organizations oppose extension of Bay/Delta Enhancement Stamp


by John Ryzanych

August 12, 2009 -- Attached is the letter sent to the Senate Appropriations Committee indicating an "oppose unless amended" position by the Bay Delta Sport Fishing Enhancement Stamp Committee, CalTrout, CSPA and the Allied Fishing Groups regarding the reauthorization of the Bay Delta Sport Fishing Enhancement Stamp program with Assembly Bill 1052.
For the past year Allied Fishing Groups and others has been working with the BDSFES committee members to sponsor legislation that would address the issue of DFG not spending the vast majority of funds collected under this program and their fiscal misdealing cited by two separate audits. 
Assembly member Caballero embraced the effort earlier this year and introduced AB1052 . Unfortunately the now amended bill does not represent the best interest of the fishing community, nor provide the tools necessary to assure DFG spend the remaining or future BDSFES funds properly.
The bill will be heard by the Senate Appropriations committee on August 17. It is here that the fishing community will make their final stand to influence corrective amendments in cooperation with the author or kill the bill. Without the proper language in the bill there is no assurance DFG will correct the audits findings or spend the money on projects other then boat ramps and cleaning stations or a creel census. Besides, these programs will be useless if there are no fish in the system to fish for.
Allowing DFG to continue using the BDSFES program as a revenue stream to subsidize their department budget is unacceptable!

Letter opposing extension of Bay/Delta Enhancement Stamp