California Sportfishing Protection Alliance
“Conserving California’s Fisheries"


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Senate Appropriations Committee to hear AB 1806 on Monday, August 4th

August 2, 2008.-- The Senate Appropriations Committee will meet Monday, August 4th, to consider the fiscal effects of AB 1806 to the state's budget. The bill calls for a number of measures in restoring California's beleaguered fisheries, one of the principal requirements being full mitigation for the delta fishes destroyed in the pumping process at the State Water Project and the Central Valley Project. 

That mitigation would be paid by the water agencies benefiting from the flow of water south and would have no effect on state funding. However, a number of southland water agencies and vendors have lobbied to have the bill killed  in committee or have the paragraphs dealing with mitigation stricken from the bill, relieving them of the responsibility of paying for the damage that is done to the delta fisheries by the pumping process.

The bill, sponsored by Assemblywoman Lois Wolk, has already passed in the assembly and, should it clear the committee, will go to the senate floor for an up or down vote.

CSPA has worked with Assemblywoman Wolk in the drafting of this important piece of legislation and has followed its progress through the legislative process, including requesting letters from its members and supporters at critical points in the bill's progress. A letter campaign is in progress to support the bill during the Appropriations Committee process.

AB 1806 Action Alert - letters needed