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CSPA works to have Bay-Delta Enhancement Stamp sunsetted January 1, 2010


by Mike McKenzie

August 21, 2009 -- The response to CSPA’s appeal to the angling community, the resulting letters they sent to the legislature and the effort expended by John Beuttler, John Ryzanych and Mike McKenzie in talking to legislators and the author of AB1052, have resulted in the bill being pulled from the Appropriations Committee hearing last Monday.


With all the support, the bill's author, Assemblymember Anna Caballero, was able to push back against the Department of Fish and Game to successfully amend the bill to our satisfaction and the satisfaction of the Bay-Delta Sport Fishing Enhancement Stamp Advisory Committee.


As now amended, AB 1052 will allow the Bay-Delta stamp to sunset on January 1, 2010. However the Bay-Delta Sport Fishing Enhancement Stamp Advisory Committee will still be an active participant in how the remaining money is spent. For these reasons CSPA now supports AB 1052 in current form.


The amended Bill will now be heard by the Senate Appropriations  Committee on Monday the 24th of August.


Special thanks go to Jeff Shellito of Cal-Trout and Jason Rhine of the California Outdoor Heritage Alliance (COHA) who both were a very able resource that helped us in this effort. They did a lot of leg work around the Capitol for us and we thank them for it!