California Sportfishing Protection Alliance
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You can save the Delta and stop the canal: Sign the petition, write your legislators                 Sign Petition              Write Letters


by Mike McKenzie

August 22, 2009 -- Our state legislature is now considering a slate of five bills, the "Delta Bill  Package" For the most part, these bills have no real substance but are merely outlines and feel good statements of the legislature's intent to solve the delta's problems.


Other portions of the bills actually work against the delta's best interests. This includes the concept that agricultural water rights are co-equal to environmental rights, and the lack of provisions for the restoration of our fisheries or the recovery of our world famous Chinook Salmon and steelhead runs.


The governance of the delta would be turned over to a seven member commission with four of the seven appointed by the governor, a man who has repeatedly stated he will build the peripheral canal and additional water storage facilities regardless of the public's desires and wishes.


The commission would have the power to fund and construct these facilities without the vote of the legislature or the consent of the voters.  These bills would disenfranchise the citizens of California on what could be the greatest issue shaping California's environment and economy for the next hundred years.


The senate and assembly will hold joint "policy" hearings and "conference" committee hearings during the next two weeks with a vote by the full legislature the week after. This is being done in a big push to hurry up and get it done in the last three weeks of the legislative session.


CSPA believes the Delta's future and health is far too complicated to be considered in a hurry up bill program jammed through the legislature in three weeks. It needs a much more thoughtful process and more input from those that would be adversely affected as well as the public who will pay for it (in more ways than one!)
There is no reason for this bill package not to be put over until next year’s legislative session. With real thought and through the normal legislative process, the legislature could come up with a real bill package that would serve the needs of the estuarine environment and its fisheries as well as serving California’s water needs. We DO NOT need to destroy the Delta and our fisheries for the sake of political expediency!
It is urgent that as many folks as possible write their legislative representatives to stop this process and sign the CSPA Petition or we can kiss the Delta, as we know it and our fisheries Good Bye, FOREVER!!