California Sportfishing Protection Alliance
“Conserving California’s Fisheries"


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"A landslide of "thank you" e-mails is due the senators who voted yes and a scolding is due for those that voted no."
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CSPA News: Celebrate! Your letters made all the difference!

Breaking news! AB 1806 clears the Senate Appropriations Committee on a 9-6 party vote! 

4:45pm August 7, 2008. Sacramento -- Assemblywoman Wolk's office contacted John Beuttler, CSPA, to report that AB 1806, the delta restoration bill,  has cleared the Appropriations Committee without amendment and is headed to the Senate floor for a vote sometime next week. It was reported that the vote was straight down party lines with the Democrats voting "aye" and the Republicans, "nay". CSPA was told your letters made a  huge difference.

As soon as the official record is posted, CSPA will report those senators voting yes and those voting no. A landslide of "thank you" e-mails is due the senators who voted yes and a scolding is due for those that voted no.

CSPA will be mapping a strategy on Friday to ensure the bill's passage on the senate floor. You can assume that a massive letter writing campaign will be a part of that effort. We'll need your help!!!

Please check in daily for progress on this important effort. It literally means millions of dollars for salmon, stripers, steelhead and other California fisheries. In the meantime, pat yourself on the back and enjoy the smell of victory.