California Sportfishing Protection Alliance
“Conserving California’s Fisheries"


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CSPA requests status as a designated party in renewal permits for City of Stockton Waste Water Treatment permit

September 10, 2008 -- A study involving the release of radio tagged salmon smolts identified the discharge point for the City of Stockton's waste water treatment plant as a major killing zone for the juvenile fish. Over a hundred tags were found in the area of the outlet pipe, their carriers having died at that point.

CSPA's Executive Director, Bill Jennings, highly irritated by the discovery, investigated and found that the facility is grossly deficient in its processing of numerous chemicals and heavy metals and is in violation of numerous state and federal regulations. 

In addition, Jennings found that the city's wastewater infrastructure is in such poor condition that as many as forty spills occur annually, many times the three to four spill state average.

In commenting on the condition of the system Jennings recently told KPIX reporter, Jeff Schaub, that the, "the loss of these smolts, is just the canary in the mine when compared to the real damage done at this point."

CSPA's status as designated party would allow for direct input into the renewal permit process.

CSPA's request for status as designated party