California Sportfishing Protection Alliance
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CSPA requests status as a designated party in renewal permits for McClellan Air Force Base waste problem

McClellan AFB from the air, 2002, USGS photo

September 10, 2008 -- Opened in 1935, for the vast majority of its operational lifetime, McClellan was a logistics and maintenance facility for a wide variety of military aircraft, equipment and supplies, primarily under the cognizance of the Air Force Logistics Command (AFLC) and later the Air Force Material Command (AFMC).

When the base was decommissioned in the late 90's, it was found that the operations at the facility had created a toxic wasteland.  A major cleanup of the facility was put in place before large portions of the base were leased out to commercial enterprises. The base received a waste water treatment discharge permit as part of that clean up effort.

In reviewing the permits application for renewal, CSPA  has discovered that the requirements for discharge have been relaxed allowing for a backsliding in the treatment and isolation of numerous harmful chemicals and other toxins that would be discharged into the valley waterways. The discharges would be in violation of numerous state and federal standards and would put the valley fisheries at risk.

CSPA's status as designated party would allow for direct input into the renewal permit process.

CSPA's request for designated party status