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EDF, DoW and BI finally question part of BDCP's in-step march towards canal


by Bill Jennings, Executive Director, CSPA

September 19, 2009 -- Just think, if the water bills had passed last Friday, this treacherous process (the Bay Delta Conservation Plan) would now have legislative blessing, funding authorization and a Schwarzenegger-dominated council with the power to make it happen.  

It appears that all is not happy in the BDCP (a.k.a., The Committee to Build a Peripheral Canal).  Attached is a letter from Steering Committee members EDF, Defenders and TBI regarding the “Draft Proposed BDCP Near-Term Conservation Measures for Hydrodynamic Modeling and Analysis” prepared by SAIC for the BDCP Steering Committee.  The letter is self-explanatory. 

Of course, BDCP Steering Committee members have already agreed that “the most promising approach for achieving the BDCP conservation and water supply goals involves a conveyance system with new points of diversion…” and “the main new physical feature of this conveyance system includes the construction and operation of a new point (or points) of diversion in the north Delta on the Sacramento River and an isolated conveyance facility around the Delta.”  Page 3, BDCP Points of Agreement for Continuing into the Planning Process, 16 November 2007.

In other words, our friends have already drunk the Kool-aid of the ultimate solution and are now quibbling over the environmental price.  Cheers!

P.S. I notice there is no ability to “search” the BDCP website.  Consequently, I couldn't find the draft document that is the subject of the letter.  Clever of them to play hide & seek.


EDF, DoW, BI letter to BDCP Steering Committee