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Center For Biological Diversity opposes Delta Bill Package


September 1, 2009 -- The Center for Biological Diversity is preparing a letter to be delivered to the legislature Thursday, opposing the Delta Bill package and the threat of a peripheral canal.


The two page document states a myriad of reasons why the bill package is not in the best interests of the citizens of California. The letter states in part, "The badly flawed Delta Bill Package would enable construction of the canal and restructure California's water laws and governance. The package of five bills would establish a political committee (four of the seven members would be appointed by the Governor) that could authorize the canal without voter approval. The legislation would weaken existing environmental laws and provides no enforceable standards for fishery restoration. This dangerous legislation would indebt Californians for decades to come and exacerbate the unprecedented collapse of Central Valley salmon and steelhead, delta smelt, longfin smelt, green sturgeon, Sacramento splittail and other Delta fish populations. The impacts could reverberate beyond the Bay-Delta ecosystem and affect other species that depend on these fish, such as southern orcas and seabirds."


Numerous other problems are cited in the document which will be released Thursday. When released, the full text and a list of  supporting organizations will be published at Calsport.Org.