California Sportfishing Protection Alliance
“Conserving California’s Fisheries"


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Support the CSPA recommended changes to the Fish and Game regulations, spend a minute to send in a preformatted E-mail letter


September 20, 2009 -- Some exciting changes are recommended for the Fish and Game Code. Three of these are new catch-and-release fisheries, Putah Creek, Nacimiento River and Alameda Creek. Their designation change brought about by DFG's policy of not stocking in waters where wild steelhead have been found.


Other changes include reduced limits where impacts have been shown to reduce fish populations. All of these are designed to preserve California's fisheries in a healthy state and are designed to help preserve fishing as a recreational sport for future generations.


The preformatted e-mail letter requires only that you enter your name, e-mail, address and zip code. You may add your personal comments as well. The letter can be found at: http://citizenspeak.org/node/1761