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Trade Magazine article part of mitigation for pollution suit filed by CSPA

September 8, 2008 -- Woodland, CA -- On June 27, 2007, CSPA sued the Roy E. Lay Trucking Company for storm run off of a number of pollutants including very high concentrations of oil & grease, zinc and suspended sediments. The Roy E. Lay company is a large one and influential in the trucking industry. CSPA was successful in the suit and asked, as part of the settlement agreement that the company publish an article on the issue of storm water runoff. The settlement agreement mandated that it be published in the industry magazine. They also paid mitigation for the damage done to the environment from the runoff and CSPA's attorney fees.

The required article ran as a feature, "Who'll stop the rain", a four page spread, written by Jason M. Booth and Timothy S. Simpson,  and was printed in the August 2008 edition of Caltrux, the California Trucking Magazine.

Mr. Booth is one of the founding partners of Dongell Lawrence Finny LLG, an environmental litigation, regulatory law and transportation law firm in Los Angles. Mr. Simpson, a civil engineer,  is Vice President and the Principal Engineer of AMEC Geomatrix.