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Current legislation will NOT protect the Delta


by Linda Robertson

November 10, 2009 -- The “taking” of a public trust to benefit corporate farmers in SoCal is NOT going to “protect the Delta. Nor does killing black bass, striped bass, and “other stressors” (according to BDCP reports).  The destruction of NoCal farms for SoCal farms is not protecting the Delta.
Taking MORE water than has already been illegally taken (CALFED failure) isn’t going to protect the Delta. A board that contains NOT ONE SINGLE Representative from the counties IN the Delta isn’t going to protect the Delta.
What WILL protect the Delta is KEEPING more water in, reducing the pumping, fish screens, and OTHER sources BESIDES the Delta for Kern County and SoCal.
After attending all the BDCP meetings, the obvious is that they do NOT CARE ONE IOTA about our precious system, OUR farms, OUR water based businesses. Nor did they listen to the “public input” during BDCP meetings as they did another midnight, back door deal, EXCLUDING DELTA INTERESTS again.
Our “non native species” fared perfectly well together until the 1960’s when the pumps went on board. It has been crashing ever since.  MONEY, and GREED, is the issue here, 77 million from ONE SALE of OUR WATER.