California Sportfishing Protection Alliance
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From the Alameda Creek Alliance

San Francisco Endangered Species Take Permit for Alameda Watershed – Take Action!

February 13, 2009 -- The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission has begun developing a Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) for their projects, maintenance, and operations in the upper Alameda Creek Watershed. The HCP will be a long-term conservation plan for land use and biological planning on SFPUC lands. The HCP will result in a permit allowing the SFPUC to legally "take" or harm endangered species, in exchange for conservation measures intended to protect the species and their habitats.
The HCP will cover the operations of three SFPUC dams and two reservoirs, watershed operation and maintenance activities, and lease activities such as cattle grazing, nurseries and the Sunol golf course. Covered species include steelhead trout, California red-legged frog, Alameda whipsnake and California tiger salamander.
The SFPUC’s reservoir operations have a huge impact on the aquatic ecosystem of Alameda Creek. The dams interrupt the natural flow of Alameda Creek and its tributaries, influence water temperatures downstream of the dams, and significantly alter suitable habitat for native fish and other aquatic wildlife. The SFPUC cattle grazing leases have impacts on aquatic and riparian special status species.
The Alameda Creek Alliance submitted scoping comments on the HCP in January, detailing the inadequacies of the SFPUC’s biological inventory report and draft impacts analysis. You can read the scoping comments here.
What you can do: write a letter or e-mail to the SFPUC and the permitting agencies for the HCP, and insist on meaningful mitigation and adequate management of endangered species habitat. We have provided an action alert with talking points and contact information here.