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Three fisheries related bills, AB 1052, SB 458 and AB 883 make progress in state legislature


by Jerry Neuburger
April 15, 2009 -- The Delta Enhancement stamp may see its final days this year if several fishing groups have their way. AB 1052, a bill sponsored by Assembly member Cabellero would sunset the stamp January 1, 2010. The bill cleared the Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee on April 13 on a unanimous vote and is currently being referred to the Assembly Appropriations Committee.

The stamp was originally intended to enhance bay and delta fishing but it has been almost impossible to have any projects recommended by DFG or the stamp's advisory committee funded. Almost nine million dollars now sit in the fund and although DFG and the committee have recommended several programs for funding as recently as March of this year, the funding has yet to be approved. If the stamp is retired in January, the funds will still remain with authorization to spend them as previously arranged during the life of the program. AB 1052 has been endorsed by the Allied Fishing Groups and the Northern California Council of the Federation of Fly Fishers.

The second bill to receive attention is Lois Wolk's SB 458. This bill would establish the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Conservancy to undertake various activities related to the Delta. The bill cleared the Senate Natural Resources and Water Committee on a 7 to three vote with members Pavley, Kehoe, Leno, Padilla, Simitian, Wiggins and Wolk voting eye and senators Cogdill, Hollingsworth and Huff voting no. The bill is being referred to the Senate Appropriations Committee.


A bill with the potential to have far reaching effects on the Department of Fish and Game, AB 883, also made some progress.  This bill would require the Secretary of the Natural Resources Agency to convene an advisory stakeholder committee to study and make recommendations to the Legislature and Governor with regard to actions to improve the state's management of fish and wildlife resources.


The bill, sponsored by Jared Huffman, the Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee chair, was amended and referred back to his committee where it will be considered to be forwarded onto the assembly floor for passage.


All of these bills can be followed with e-mail notices of their progress by going to CSPA's bill tracker web page and following the instructions on the page.