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from the Hanford Sentinel


Water woes could impact LNAS


Another reason why the agribusinesses of the west San Joaquin desert should NEVER have planted perennial crops such as orchards and vineyards. These crops require a constant supply of water which can only be supplied in dry years by pumping groundwater. This pumping is now threatening the SWP and CVP canals, highways 99 and I-5 through ground subsidence. The damage caused may cost the state billions in repairs. STOP THE FARMING OF WATER THIRSTY PERENNIAL CROPS IN THE DESERT. Ed.


By Seth Nidever

July 20, 2009 -- A new federal study demonstrates that groundwater levels in the San Joaquin Valley have dropped to near-historic lows as pumping and drought have prevented the replenishing of the aquifer...(Continued on-line at the Hanford Sentinel)