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from Restore the Delta


Governor wants canal, legislators want to cut deal


August 21, 2009 -- Without a doubt, Governor Schwarzenegger made it clear publicly this week that he wants a water bond package to include a peripheral canal, regardless of the impacts on fisheries and Delta communities. And legislative leaders and bill authors continue to believe that rather than standing up to the Governor, some type of deal cutting is the way to solve the Delta's problems. That is why public participation by the people of the Delta is more important than ever.

Final public information hearings regarding Delta and state water policy legislation will be held Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday next week. The Joint Policy Committee Meetings will be held at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday in room 4202 to review and amend legislation.

Senator Wolk will be holding a Senatore Hearing at 1 p.m. on Wednesday to look at financing as it relates to Delta issues.

Participating groups, individual, and agencies must submit written comments by noon on Monday in order to participate in the process for the Tuesday and Thursday hearings. Restore the Delta staff is preparing in depth comments for that. Where we need help from you is with attendance. We need our supporters to be physically present in order to support our comments. We encourage all Restore the Delta supporters to attend. If anyone needs help with a ride, please call 209-479-2053. We can help with carpool arrangements.


Restore the Delta would like to extend a special thank you to Senator Lois Wolk, who did an outstanding job defending the estuary and Delta communities at Tuesday's joint hearing on the Delta bill package currently in the legislature.



Senator Wolk made quite clear the need for Delta communities to be adequately represented in any new Delta governance structures. She also asked important questions regarding the need to establish a scientific understanding of the Delta's freshwater needs.



We salute Senator Wolk for her inspired defense of the Delta.



Likewise, Restore the Delta thanks it supporters who turned out for Monday's rally and Tuesday's hearing. We know that many of you have taken time off work to attend. We appreciate your support and engagement with Delta legislation.