California Sportfishing Protection Alliance
“Conserving California’s Fisheries"


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Emails Needed NOW to Your State Senator and Assemblymember


With little more than a day left in the current legislative session, the California Legislature is considering a complex package of water bills, along with a budget-busting water bond. Whatever gets passed Friday will have very little consideration by individual legislators and virtually NO protection for the delta or its fisheries. Your email is needed NOW to convince your legislator to vote NO in the rush to pass these poorly worded water bills and bonds.


Please send e-mails to each of the six groups of assemblymembers and senators. You only need to enter your name, e-mail and address on the form and hit the send button.


25 assemblymem.      25 assemblymem.      15 assemblymem.     15 assemblymem.      20 senators      20 senators