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CSPA Opposes Exploitation of British Columbia Rivers To Import Power to California


Rutherford Creek, British Columbia, developed for a “run-of-the-river” hydroelectric project. It begs the question: run of what river?

by Chris Shutes, CSPA Projects Director

September 5, 2009 -- CSPA has joined fellow hydropower advocates in the California Hydropower Reform Coalition (CHRC), as well as advocates focusing on renewable energy, in opposing a scheme by Pacific Gas & Electric Company to import massive amounts of electricity from up to 600 new hydropower developments in British Columbia.


PG&E is attempting to redefine eligibility for “renewable” energy in California. In order to do so, it has to change the law. PG&E has therefore been seeking an amendment to renewable energy legislation that would make the standard for power generated outside of California different that the standard for power generated in the state.


As part of CHRC’s continuing advocacy, CHRC has steadfastly and repeatedly opposed this shameful effort to change the rules at the expense of pristine creeks and rivers over a thousand miles away. In the latest skirmish, CSPA, fellow CHRC advocates and others sent a letter today opposing an amendment to SB 14, currently pending in the legislature.


CSPA's Letter of Support